How will you optimize the website for search engines (SEO)?

SEO is an exhaustive yet simple to understand collection of tasks. eMax is happy to work with the specialized SEO company of your choice. Using a specialized SEO provider the advantage of ongoing and focused strategies to actively drive traffic to your new site. eMax encourages client to work with a SEO agency for a minimum of 6 months to see maximum returns.

SEO involves five main steps: 

  1. Keyword research. Find what people search for.
  2. Content creation. Craft content for searchers.
  3. On-page SEO. Make your content as clear as possible.
  4. Link building. Build trust and authority from other websites.
  5. Technical SEO. Help search engines find, crawl, and index your content efficiently. 

eMax provides basic keyword research and minimal content creation for all sites we create. This basic SEO preparation will provide the baseline for SEO agencies to apply focused strategies for advancement without needing to backtrack and waste client time and money.

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